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Andy:回复30楼 z,p  邮箱:sinbawang@gmail.com  IP:  日期:2009-11-27 [回复31楼]
  回复30楼 z,p
  回复30楼 z,p:回复29楼 Andy
Andy:回复27楼 余春芳  邮箱:sinbawang@gmail.com  IP:  日期:2009-11-27 [回复32楼]
  回复27楼 余春芳
  回复27楼 余春芳:嗅觉正常
  “开美多巴,吃半片症状立刻消失” 您的症状对左旋多巴类药物非常敏感,我个人猜测DIP和PD可能同时具有。把可疑药物停了吧,观察下恢复情况。如果您确实有抑郁的话,也不太适合使用左旋多巴类药物,因为会加重抑郁的。 
余春芳:谢谢回复  IP:  日期:2009-11-27 [回复33楼]
stillon:感谢楼主  邮箱:yucong_guo@hotmail.com  IP:  日期:2009-12-15 [回复34楼]
Andy:回复34楼 stillon  邮箱:sinbawang@gmail.com  IP:  日期:2009-12-16 [回复35楼]
  回复34楼 stillon
  回复34楼 stillon:感谢楼主
ymei:金刚烷胺很有效  邮箱:mae022@126.com  IP:  日期:2009-12-25 [回复36楼]
Andy:回复36楼 ymei  邮箱:sinbawang@gmail.com  IP:  日期:2009-12-26 [回复37楼]
  回复36楼 ymei
  回复36楼 ymei:金刚烷胺很有效
  好! 我们都需要无比的耐性来等待。 
Andy:一些补充  邮箱:sinbawang@gmail.com  IP:  日期:2009-12-29 [回复38楼]
  “ 1.男性患者居多,多在50—70岁发病。约2/3伴有癌肿,如小细胞肺癌、胃癌、前列腺癌和直肠癌等,也偶有伴发其他自身免疫病如系统性红斑狼疮等。
  男性中老年肺癌患者,出现肌无力和易疲劳症状,检查患肌短暂用力收缩后肌力反而增强,持续收缩后又呈病态疲劳;腾龙喜和新斯的明试验不敏感,高频神经重复电刺激呈特异性反应,血清AChR-Ab阴性,通常即可诊断。本病需注意与MG(Andy注:Myasthernia Gravis 重症肌无力)鉴别。”
  “治疗主要是针对肿瘤的病因治疗。抗胆碱酯酶药无效,细胞毒性药物应慎用。血浆置换有暂时性疗效。免疫球蛋白静脉滴注也是一种可选择的有效疗法。手术切除肺癌对原发病即使补益不多,也常可使肌无力症状得到改善。 ”
  从上面这段文章里,我惊讶地发现了“电压依赖性钙通道”的阻滞和“乙酰胆碱”的释放异常直接关联,再回想到钙离子通道阻滞剂的药理作用:“本药为钙通道阻滞药,可阻滞钙离子经过心肌或血管平滑肌细胞膜上的通道进入细胞内,而血管平滑肌和心肌细胞的收缩过程,依赖上述细胞外钙离子经特异性通道进入细胞内的运动。故本药通过干扰钙离了内流,降低细胞内钙离子水平,从而改变心肌收缩性和血管张力,由此引起全身血管张力减低、血管扩张,从而降低血压;此外,本药扩张正常供血区或缺血区冠状动脉,可缓解心绞痛。”,是的,我们从药物说明书上清楚地看到钙离子通道阻滞剂如何通过阻滞钙通道从而降低血压达到控制高血压的目的,但是,药物说明书却从未告诉我们 - “电压依赖性钙通道”的阻滞会同时造成“乙酰胆碱”的释放异常!!
  “哌嗪衍生物和氟桂利嗪等钙拮抗剂已广泛应用于眩晕、偏头痛等的治疗。该类药物应用后会出现PD症状加重或诱发DIP。桂利嗪(脑益嗪)可诱发灵长类动物的帕金森样症状,其原因可能是该类药物通过突触前或者突触后机制导致了抗DA(多巴胺)作用,这一作用甚至在停药数月后仍持续存在”[摘自《药物引起的锥体外系不良反应》 作者:赵迎春 ,陈生弟]
Andy:各国关于DIP的报告  邮箱:sinbawang@gmail.com  IP:  日期:2009-12-30 [回复39楼]
  Nippon Rinsho. 1997 Jan;55(1):112-7.
  [Drug-induced parkinsonism]
  [Article in Japanese]
  Kuzuhara S.
  Department of Neurology, Mie University School of Medicine.
  Drug-induced parkinsonism(DIP) is at present the second most frequent cause of parkinsonism next to idiopathic Parkinson’s disease(PD) in Japan. The ratio of the incidence of DIP to PD has been reported to be between 1:2 and 1:5, which varied at the period surveyed. The most frequent causative drugs were calcium-blocking agents, flunarizine and cinnarizine in 1980s, and they have been replaced in recent years by benzamide derivatives with antipsychotic, antiemetic or prokinetic actions, sulpiride, tiapride and metoclopraramide. The clinical features of DIP are similar to those of PD except for rather rapid progression of the symptoms. Careful neurological examination and check of all drugs the patient has taken are important for correct diagnosis. Most causative drugs act as the dopamine D2 receptor blocker in the brain and discontinuance of the drug(s) is necessary for the treatment. Parkinsonian symptoms begin to improve in several weeks and patients are relieved from the symptoms usually within several months.
  Postgrad Med J. 2009 Jun;85(1004):322-6.
  Drug induced parkinsonism: a common cause of parkinsonism in older people.
  Thanvi B, Treadwell S.
  South Warwickshire Hospital, Lakin Road, Warwick CV34 5BW, UK. bhomraj.thanvi@swh.nhs.uk
  Drug induced parkinsonism is the second most common cause of parkinsonism in older people after idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (PD). Risk factors for developing drug induced parkinsonism include: older age; female gender; dose and duration of treatment; type of agent used; cognitive impairment; acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS); tardive dyskinesia; and pre-existing extrapyramidal disorder. In most patients parkinsonism is reversible upon stopping the offending drug, though it may take several months to resolve fully and in some patients it may even persist. In this case, one needs to consider the possibility of PD which has been unmasked by the offending drug, and treatment with dopaminergic agents may be warranted. Drug induced parkinsonism adversely affects the quality of life in older patients and is potentially reversible, highlighting the importance of early recognition of this condition. This article discusses the drugs implicated, as well as the epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical features, and management of drug induced parkinsonism.
  Rev Neurol (Paris). 1994 Nov;150(11):757-62.
  [Drug-induced parkinsonian syndromes: a 10-year experience at a regional center of pharmaco-vigilance]
  [Article in French]
  Llau ME, Nguyen L, Senard JM, Rascol O, Montastruc JL.
  Service de Pharmacologie Clinique, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Faculté de Médicine, Toulouse.
  Besides classical neuroleptics, several drugs can induce parkinsonian symptoms. The present retrospective study investigates the characteristics of drug-induced parkinsonism notified to the Midi-Pyrénées Pharmacovigilance Centre between 1983 and 1992. Among 3,923 side effects spontaneously reported between 1983 and 1992 to the center, 53 (1.4%) were drug-induced parkinsonism. Mean age was 65 +/- 2 (s.e.m.) years (range 21-88). Drug-induced parkinsonism appeared after a mean treatment duration of 473 +/- 142 days (range 1 day to 15 years) and occurred most frequently in women (63%). The occurrence onset of drug-induced Parkinsonism exhibited a bimodal pattern with a first peak (between 0 and 6 months) mainly due to peripheral or central antidopaminergic drugs and a second one later (between 9 and 12 months) due mostly to calcium channel blockers. Involved drugs were mostly antidopaminergic agents: neuroleptics (antipsychotic drugs: 39%) but also agents used for nausea or vomiting (domperidone, metoclopramide, metopimazine or triethylperazine: 12%) or symptoms associated with menopause (veralipride: 6%). Other cases were related mainly to drugs with "calcium channel blocker" properties (flunarizine and cinnarizine: 30%), H1 antihistamine (1 case), fluoxetine (1 case), alphamethyldopa (1 case) or reserpine (1 case) whereas 3 cases were due to drug interactions. Imputability scores (according to the method of assessment of unexpected drug reactions used in France) were "doubtful" (11%), "plausible" (34%) and "probable" (53%). The complete triad (tremor, akinesia plus rigidity) was seen in 13 (25%) cases. Symmetrical symptoms occurred in 41 (77%) patients. A total disappearance of the clinical feature occurred in 39 (74%) patients whereas in 8 cases (15%), drug-induced parkinsonism led to the diagnosis of underlying idiopathic Parkinson’s
  disease. The present study shows that around 80% of drug-induced parkinsonism are due to two pharmacological classes: central and peripheral antidopaminergic agents and calcium channel blockers.
  Rev Neurol. 1998 Jul;27(155):35-9.
  [Drug-induced parkinsonism. Clinical aspects compared with Parkinson disease]
  [Article in Spanish]
  Errea-Abad JM, Ara-Callizo JR, Aibar-Remón C.
  Servicio de Neurología, Hospital Comarcal de Barbastro, Huesca.
  INTRODUCTION: Drug-induced Parkinsonism (DIP) is the second commonest cause of Parkinson syndrome, after Parkinson disease (PD) and represents between 10% and 30% of all patients with Parkinsonism. OBJECTIVES: To study the frequency and drugs responsible for DIP and to compare some of the clinical characteristics of these patients and those with PD. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A retrospective community based study in Bajo Aragon district to determine the frequency of PD and other Parkinsonism, including DIP. PD was diagnosed on the criteria proposed by the United Kingdom Parkinson’s Disease Society Brain Bank and DIP on the criteria of Jiménez et al. RESULTS: Calcium antagonists were the cause of 73% of the DIP, followed by euroleptic drugs (11.5%). There were 73% women (19/26). The patients with DIP were older than those with PD when their symptoms started (p = 0.02). In patients with DIP, 48% presented with bilateral symptoms as compared with 7% in PD (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: 1. Cinarizine is the main drug responsible for DIP (58%) 2. As compared with patients with PD, patients with DIP are mainly women, older, more frequently have bilateral onset of symptoms and consult the doctor sooner.
  Drugs Aging. 1994 Aug;5(2):127-32.
  Drug-induced parkinsonism in the aged. Recognition and prevention.
  Gershanik OS.
  Seccion Enfermedades Extrapiramidales, Centro Neurologico-Hospital Frances, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  Drug-induced Parkinsonism is a frequent adverse effect of numerous drugs interfering with dopamine function at the basal ganglionic level. It accounts for 4% of all patients with Parkinsonism seen in neurology clinics. Pharmacological agents implicated in the production of this disorder have a wide range of applications in medicine, beyond the treatment of psychiatric
  illnesses. Antipsychotics, substituted benzamides and calcium channel blockers are the drugs most commonly involved. The aged population is at an increased risk of drug-induced Parkinsonism due to intrinsic factors and because they often receive multiple drugs, including those from self-medication. Lack of knowledge in the medical profession of the potential hazards involved in the use of certain drugs plays a contributory role in the development of drug-induced Parkinsonism. Physicians should be always alert in order to detect, as early as possible, the presence of extrapyramidal symptoms in patients exposed to medications with antidopaminergic properties. Whenever possible, withdrawal of the medication will help resolve symptoms; complete remission takes place within 6 to 18 months in the majority of patients. The use of anti-Parkinsonian drugs is only advisable if the symptomatology is disabling. The best available treatment is prevention.
  Mov Disord. 2008 Feb 15;23(3):401-4.
  Failure of recognition of drug-induced parkinsonism in the elderly.
  Esper CD, Factor SA.
  Department of Neurology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia 30329, USA.
  Our objective was to evaluate the ability of neurologists to recognize and diagnose drug-induced Parkinsonism (DIP) in the elderly. DIP is a diagnostic challenge because it can be indistinguishable from Parkinson’s disease, especially in the elderly. It is frequently under-recognized by psychiatrists and primary care physicians. Atypical antipsychotics (AA) are advertised for their low propensity to cause DIP. This may add to problems with recognition. We performed a retrospective record review of consecutive new parkinsonian patients seen over 2 years in a movement disorders clinic to examine the frequency, causative agents, and diagnostic accuracy of DIP by physicians, particularly neurologists. Of 354 Parkinsonian patients evaluated, 24 (6.8%) had DIP, 46% of these were due to AA and 29% were caused by toclopramide. Of the 24 patients with DIP, only one was previously diagnosed accurately according to records. Nineteen patients (79%) were previously evaluated by a neurologist, and none of them was diagnosed with DIP. The primary reason for failure to recognize DIP relates to under-recognition of AA as possible cause. A majority remained on the inciting agents while dopaminergic drugs were prescribed. DIP was reversible when the inciting drug was stopped. DIP is a common form of parkinsonism and is under-recognized, even by neurologists. AA and metoclopramide do not appear to be well-known to cause DIP. Cessation of the offending agent results in improvement of symptoms and would eliminate the need for dopaminergic agents, which are known to commonly cause side effects in the elderly. 2007 Movement Disorder Society
  Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2004 Jun;10(4):243-5.
  Flunarizine and cinnarizine-induced parkinsonism: a historical and clinical analysis.
  Teive HA, Troiano AR, Germiniani FM, Werneck LC.
  Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital de Clínicas, Movement Disorders Unit, Neurology Service, Federal University of Paraná, 1103/102, Rua General Carneiro, 80060-150 Centro, Curitiba, Pr, Brazil. hagteive@mps.com.br
  BACKGROUND: Drug-Induced Parkinsonism (DIP) represents the second leading cause of Parkinsonism (PK) in several countries.
  Flunarizine and cinnarizine are some of the most common drugs that cause DIP. This paper reviews the first description of Flunarizine and Cinnarizine-Induced Parkinsonism (FCIP), as well as the subsequent literature, emphasizing epidemiological, clinical and diagnostic aspects. METHODS: We reviewed the literature on the subject, with special emphasis on the first description and the later definition of the clinical syndrome that results from chronic use of flunarizine and cinnarizine. RESULTS: In 1984, De Melo-Souza reported the first description of flunarizine-induced PK in five patients. Other reports followed on FCIP, emphasizing the clinical features, which are symmetrical parkinsonism, and depression, affecting mainly elderly women. CONCLUSIONS: Eighteen years after the original description, FCIP is a recognized condition with specific clinical features, and is the second most common cause of parkinsonism in many countries. 
Andy:钾和血糖  邮箱:sinbawang@gmail.com  IP:  日期:2010-1-4 [回复40楼]

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