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skysca:姜黄素  IP:  日期:2012-5-25 [回复1楼]

  姜黄素能防治帕金森氏病 2012-4-9
  姜黄素是一种亚洲香料姜黄中的主要化合物,未来或许可以用来治愈帕金森病。据密歇根州立大学的研究人员发现,这种特殊的物质可以预防帕金森病病理有关的蛋白质的凝集。帕金森病是一种中枢神经系统退行性疾病,主要特征为多巴胺的形成和活性不足为特征,另外患者还有路易氏体(Lewy Bodies)的存在。路易氏体是帕金森症的病理标志,它可在黑质脑细胞里的退化细胞中找到。
  密歇根州立大学的博士后研究员Basir Ahmad领导的研究团队今年早些时候发现路易氏体主要存在于α-突触核蛋白积累和聚集形成的神经元中。
  Ahmal领导的这项新研究显示姜黄素能结合α-突触核蛋白,从而防止其在神经元中的聚集。密歇根州立大学的物理学副教授Lisa Lapidus说:“我们的研究表明姜黄素可以缓解蛋白质的聚集,更具体地说就是姜黄素能很好地结合α-突触核蛋白,防止α-突触核蛋白的聚集”。

skysca:新的文章  IP:  日期:2012-6-6 [回复2楼]

  10 February 2011 Last updated at 09:50 GMT Share this pageEmail Print Share this page
  Spice drug fights stroke damage
  Turmeric is a widely used spice Continue reading the main story
  A drug derived from the curry spice turmeric may be able to help the body repair some of the damage caused in the immediate aftermath of a stroke.
  Researchers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles are preparing to embark on human trials after promising results in rabbits.
  Their drug reached brain cells and reduced muscle and movement problems.
  The Stroke Association said it was the "first significant research" suggesting that the compound could aid stroke patients.
  Turmeric has been used for centuries as part of traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine, and many laboratory studies suggest one of its components, curcumin, might have various beneficial properties.
  However, curcumin cannot pass the "blood brain barrier" which protects the brain from potentially toxic molecules.
  The US researchers, who reported their results to a stroke conference, modified curcumin to come up with a new version, CNB-001, which could pass the blood brain barrier.
  The laboratory tests on rabbits suggested it might be effective up to three hours after a stroke in humans - about the same time window available for current "clot-busting" drugs.
  Chain reaction
  Dr Paul Lapchak, who led the study, said that the drug appeared to have an effect on "several critical mechanisms" which might keep brain cells alive after a stroke.
  Continue reading the main story
  Start Quote
  This is the first significant research to show that turmeric could be beneficial to stroke patients by encouraging new cells to grow and preventing cell death after a stroke”
  End Quote
  Dr Sharlin Ahmed,
  The Stroke Association
  Although strokes kill brain cells by depriving them of oxygenated blood, this triggers a chain reaction which can widen the damaged area - and increase the level of disability suffered by the patient.
  Dr Lapchak said that CNB-001 appeared to repair four "signalling pathways" which are known to help fuel the runaway destruction of brain cells.
  However, even though human trials are being planned, any new treatment could still be some time away.
  Dr Sharlin Ahmed, from The Stroke Association, said that turmeric was known to have health benefits.
  She said: "There is a great need for new treatments which can protect brain cells after a stroke and improve recovery."
  "This is the first significant research to show that turmeric could be beneficial to stroke patients by encouraging new cells to grow and preventing cell death after a stroke.
  "The results look promising, however it is still very early days and human trials need to be undertaken."
  请参考,翻译。 传统的姜黄素几乎不能。 

SKYSCA:回复1楼 skysca  IP:  日期:2012-6-19 [回复3楼]

  回复1楼 skysca
  回复1楼 skysca:姜黄素 

skys:Recommended Curcumin Supplement? 推荐姜黄?  IP:  日期:2012-7-23 [回复4楼]

  Recommended Curcumin Supplement? 推荐姜黄?

向左向右:回复4楼 skys  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-7-23 [回复5楼]

  回复4楼 skys
  中药里的郁金, 姜黄, 莪术, 菖蒲都含有姜黄素, 咖哩也有很多哦。应该是有帮助的

skys:高生物利用度姜黄素  IP:  日期:2012-7-25 [回复6楼]

   <High Bioavailability Curcumin Supplements from Indena, Dolcas Biotech, Verdure Sciences, and Theravalues >2011.7.2 注意:这不是论文只是介绍
  摘要:1传统姜黄素生物利用度太低,2用途:可能用于.....神经疾病如老年痴呆.....3低毒风险:University of Michigan 用95%姜黄素,单一剂量12g,未见毒性.但,10 g剂量以下在血液中不可测量.要吃24X500mg才起效.4介绍四个牌子的优化姜黄素,a.Dolcas Biotech BCM-95 Bio-Curcumin, b. Indena Meriva Curcumin,c. Verdure Sciences Longvida Curcumin,d. Theracurmin: Water Soluble Curcumin Variant from Japan,主要介绍其吸收率是传统的XX倍等 5服用建议 在链接中似乎提到姜黄素和MAO-B抑制剂(雷沙吉兰)的关系

sky:回复5楼 向左向右  IP:  日期:2012-7-25 [回复7楼]

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  回复5楼 向左向右:回复4楼 skys

skys:EGCG  IP:  日期:2012-8-1 [回复8楼]

  PNAS:绿茶中EGCG可解除蛋白质异常沉积带来的毒性(EGCG remodels mature α-synuclein and amyloid-β fibrils and reduces cellular toxicity 这里的α-synuclein是对应帕金森的) 2010.4.16

秋天的雨:多喝绿茶  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-8-1 [回复9楼]


卢兆基:回复9楼 秋天的雨  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-8-1 [回复10楼]

  回复9楼 秋天的雨
  回复9楼 秋天的雨:多喝绿茶  

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