帕金森病 Parkinson's disease
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RMY:Understanding Medications  邮箱  IP:  日期:2017-3-26 [回复1楼]

  Understanding Medications
  Parkinson’s is a very individualized disease and each person who lives with it requires a unique treatment plan. Although researchers are attempting to develop treatments that will slow down or reverse the disease, no such therapy has yet been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The goal of treatment is to reduce symptoms with as few side effects as possible. It is important to note that medications work best when they are taken on a regular schedule, and when combined with exercise, good nutrition and adequate sleep.
  以上摘自(美国)帕金森病基金会的资料(Parkinson’s Disease Foundation – Treating Parkinson’s),我认为这几句话讲的很好,希望这几句话也能对病友们有所帮助。
  资料中,第七版“帕金森病问和答”小册子,病友们如有兴趣可以看看。它在第六版的基础上稍微增加了些内容,如增加了“What are the stages of Parkinson’s ?”等问题。

金陵ke:回复1楼 RMY  IP:  日期:2017-3-26 [回复2楼]

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