This article is dedicated to my benefactors Gong Huanyu, Lu Zhaoji, Liu maokai, Hong Youhua, Xue Chuanyun, Suo Junqi.
余 ※ ※,女,生于1962年,她是安徽马鞍山钢铁股份有限公司的一名基层干部,现已退休。
案例2:刘 ※ ※ ,女,生于1969年,家住新疆维吾尔自治区塔城市,系歌舞团演员,现已退休。她的帕金森症状主要是身体震颤,经常摔跤。她使用我的药明显有效果,这里我从她于今年五一节前夕发给我的信中选出一段我认为可以公开的信息照实抄写在下面,从中可以看到我为她治病的一些情况:
案例3:杨 ※ ※,女,生于1951年,家住江苏省徐州市。2008年9月,杨女士出现行动迟缓,身体一些部位颤抖等症状,被徐州市一家大医院诊断为原发性帕金森病,后来又到了几家大医院,经过检查,得到完全相同的诊断结论,于是找到我,经过我的历时近一年的治疗,渐渐治愈,而后十多年来一直平安无事,过着幸福生活。今天我特意请杨女士的女儿把杨女士夫妇的一张近照发给我,让我公之于众(照片贴在本文后面)。
案例 4:陈 ※ ※,男,生于1968年,家住江西省九江市,是一名基层干部。2013年他出现左侧肢体僵硬,后来蔓延到右侧肢体也僵硬,被当地一家市级医院初步诊断为原发性帕金森病,2015年7月在北京先后被中国空军总医院和宣武医院的专家确诊为原发性帕金森病。2015年11月,陈先生因病情急剧加重而由几位亲戚护送至我的住地接受治疗。到达后,他的妹夫把我拉到一边,悄悄告诉我:病人近来全身僵硬,病情相当严重,有时想自杀,今天是几个人把他抬上车送来的。
我为陈先生认真检查了身体,感觉他的帕金森病确实严重,然而,当我了解到他尚未大剂量使用多巴胺类药物和多巴胺受体激动剂且对这些药尚未产生药物依赖性时,我知道自己的对症式反馈型针刺疗法在他身上应当有用武之地,决定立即为他施治。我先在一张纸上写了两个字,要求在场的每一个人都对着这两个字看一眼(制造一点神秘气氛),然后,我从针灸包里取出一枚经过消毒的针,对着陈先生身体的一个特定部位刺进去。大约十分钟后,他突然产生症状消失感,僵硬的身体逐渐松㢮,随后又产生了舒适感。他出人意料地站起来了,开口说道:“哦,好多了!我感觉好多了!” 于是,我从房间里取出一个蓝球,对陈先生说道:“我们去打球好吗?” 当陈先生接过球随我走向球场时,他的那些亲戚竟然一个个面面相觑,怀疑自己是在做梦,他们的表情由初到时的焦虑状变成了惊异状,他们紧紧地跟随在我俩身后,当看到陈先生在球场上生龙活虎的姿态时,这些亲戚的惊异表情消失了,一个个露出了笑容●。这天晚上,他们特意请我和家人上酒店吃饭。陈先生在酒席上谈笑风生,大家相互敬酒,喝了一杯又一杯。第二天,陈先生的亲戚们高高兴兴地回家了,我让陈先生在我家住了一星期。在这期间他按照我的要求坚持运动疗法,一切正常。
今天我要悄悄告诉人们, 我对一些重症帕金森病患者的对症式反馈型针刺疗法有效,其原因是我在接诊帕金森病之前的医生生涯中,曾经接诊过癔症性瘫痪病人,对这种病我有我的治疗诀窍, 如今我把这种诀窍用来治疗一些出现瘫痪苗头的帕金森病患者有时产生效果,这使我对帕金森病的病因有相当清楚的认识。
记得2018年7月28日,我在帕金森病网站『 Parkinson’s disease』上看到有人写了“看看怎样在30分钟里让手脚停止颤抖”的帖子,里面写道:
“ 昨天老师见了一位70几岁老和尚,帕金森病10多年,一直吃西药。背已经驼,坐轮椅。双手双脚都在抖,有两个弟子长期照顾老和尚的起居。
吴 ※,男,生于1982年,是一名获博士学位的工程师,家住上海市,主要症状是僵硬,最早出现在左腿,逐渐蔓延到右腿,背部弯曲,上半身前倾,走路时左手和右手不能自然地摆动。2003年被安徽中医学院神经内科专家诊断为青年型帕金森病,后来先后看过上海市长征医院、瑞金医院、华山医院的神经内科专家。曾服用过广东一朋友寄来的中药,配合西药息宁,有效果,后来因失去联系而没有再服用他的药。自2016年1月开始服用我的中草药,考虑到吴先生以前只是少量使用过多巴胺类药物且尚未产生药物依赖性,我要求他以后在治疗方面一律采用非多巴胺疗法而不再使用多巴胺类药物或多巴胺受体激动剂,他答应一定做到。
胡 ※ ※,男,生于1968年,家住江西省九江市,是当地一家国营企业的干部(已退居二线)。2012年3月胡先生出现右手颤抖,行走时右脚拖步,拐弯缓慢,在南昌大学第二附属医院神经内科被诊断为原发性帕金森病,2014年4月在北京天坛医院神经内科再次被诊断为原发性帕金森病,医生给他开了森福罗和金刚烷胺。自2017年4月以来,他的病情逐渐加重,先后使用了美多芭、泰舒达、金刚烷胺等西药,有一定效果,但病情持续加重。2020年10月,胡先生因病情急剧加重而在家人护送下来到我的住地接受面诊式治疗。
蒋 ※ ※,男,生于1955年,退休工人,家住江苏省常州市。2017年从右侧手指僵硬发展到颈椎僵硬和脊椎僵硬,后来全身僵硬,在当地一家市级医院被诊断为原发性帕金森病,用美多芭治疗,效果相当明显,此后便长期服用美多芭,逐渐对美多芭依赖性很强,不吃药基本不能动。由于病情发展较快,自2021年下半年以来生活逐渐不能自理,从四肢无力,行动困难发展到夜间睡觉需要有人帮助才能翻身,从穿衣到大小便都需要有人护理,处于半瘫痪状态。2021年8月,蒋先生在他家人护送下来到我的住地接受面诊式治疗。
My Symptomatic Feedback Type Treatment has Brought Miraculous Benign Changes in Some Parkinson’s Patients
This article is dedicated to my benefactors Gong Huanyu, Lu Zhaoji, Liu maokai, Hong Youhua, Xue Chuanyun, Suo Junqi.
1. The treatment theorem of PD
I summed up my experience in treating PD for many years and got such a PD treatment theorem: if you go the wrong way, PD is an incurable disease; if you go the right way, PD is a treatable disease.
I dare to say this, firstly because I think I have discovered the cause of PD, and secondly, in terms of evidence, I can hand off a series of medical records that to the world and even can be recognized by law enforcement.
Recently, I wrote "On the Etiology and Treatment of Primary Parkinson’s disease" and intended to contribute to a medical journal, I am also willing to publish the article on the Parkinson’s website.
For the treatment of PD, I believe that if the doctor’s treatment plan can let the doctor and the patient through hardships and difficulties together and make the patient to the path of "big things become small things", it is the best way of treatment.
Is there really a way for PD patients to "big things become small things"?
I want to make people understand why there is such a path through "On the Etiology and Treatment of Primary Parkinson’s disease".
The pathology of PD in today’s medical circles - the first substantia nigra neurons are damaged, and it is believed that patients’ substantia nigra neurons are generally missing more than 60% to 80%, and then Parkinson’s symptoms appear. If this is the case, doctors who try to "turn big things into small things and small things into nothing" in the treatment of PD may be ignorant or shameless.
In order to find out the truth thoroughly, over the past more than a decade, I have done such a test again and again for some patients with early Parkinson’s disease - whether there are signs of serious damage to substantia nigra neurons. My test method is to let these people do some simple exercises first, such as walking or jogging, until their motor function is strengthened, I took them to practice weight-bearing walking or mountain climbing, and gradually increased the amount of exercise day by day, sometimes they walk a dozen kilometers or more away, although it is hard, but their tremor, stiffness and other Parkinson’s symptoms have been reduced, At the same time, I see again and again that after a period of training, in a difficult environment, there is no difference in the exercise ability of patients with early PD compared with normal people. If you take this performance of them is associated with severe damage to the substantia nigra neurons, it is obviously against the basic laws of human physiology.
This detection method is very scientific, and its results can completely deny the pseudo scientific theory that PD patients "have eggs before chickens", but the detection process is difficult and difficult, which requires doctors to bear hardships with patients. I realize that I can’t be a little careless in this kind of thing, because I understand:
1. If my discovery is wrong, it will become a joke abandoned by others, so I can’t hurt myself in this kind of thing.
2. Even if I find something real, people may not immediately admit or support me, but I’m not afraid. As long as I have something real in my hand, I dare to speak.
2. Cases
I declare:
(1). Every Parkinson’s patient in my article has been diagnosed by a regular hospital.
(2). For every case and every word I say about efficacy in this article, I can hand over evidence and help people connect with relevant parties.
Case 1:
Yu ※ ※, female, born in 1962. She is a grass-roots cadre of Anhui Maanshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. in China, and has now retired.
Recently, Ms. Yu introduced her own some things in the treatment of PD on the Internet, and talked about that she has been using my medicine for many years. I can see from her article that in order to protect me, she only said a few words lightly about the use of my medicine (I have repeatedly asked my patients not to talk about my treatment on the Internet, so as not to be framed as a tout). Today, I just opened the skylight to tell you the truth. I have treated Ms. Yu for more than ten years. I have saved a series of emails she sent me and some materials published by herself. It can be seen that my medicine is effective for her. For example, in 2008, Ms. Yu wanted to commit suicide because of long-term insomnia caused by PD and ineffective medication. I saved her life with herbal medicine. In addition, she wrote in a material:
"After taking Dr. Gan’s medicine for two weeks, my body gradually improved, my face became rosy, my legs were stretched, and my body stiffness was relieved. After taking it like this, I felt that Dr. Gan’s medicine made My condition is under control and my body is generally improving."
Ms. Yu is a person with a strong sense of justice. In the past more than a decade , when someone attacked me with rumors, she has come forward many times and told the story to people of my treatment for her, protecting me with the truth.
Originally, in accordance with the medical community customary practice, doctors can not disclose the names of the people involved when writing the case, but now that Ms.Yu has revealed her identity online,then I will reveal her name: her name is Yu Chunfang, who lives in Yushan District, Maanshan City, Anhui Province. In my mind, she is a very good woman, and I sincerely wish her peace and happiness forever!
Case 2:
Liu ※ ※ , female, born in 1969, lives in Tacheng City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, She was an actor in the song and dance troupe, and is now retired. Her Parkinson’s symptoms were mainly body tremors and frequent falls. Her use of my medicine is obviously effective. Here, I choose a paragraph from her letter sent to me on the eve of May Day this year. I think the information that can be public, from which can see some affairs about my treatment for her:
"Hello Doctor Gan!
I haven’t contacted you for a long time, how are you?
I will never forget that when I was struggling with PD many years ago, it was you who helped me selflessly and gave me the confidence to fight the disease to get to where I am today!
The most unfortunate thing in my life is to have this disease, but I am fortunate to meet you, and my condition is well controlled, not as fast as other patients. I can’t express my gratitude in words, only I know that the desperate me 20 years ago is your herbal medicine and selfless help, allowing me to walk normally and recover slowly. My gratitude to you, this life can only stay in a few words of information. If there is an afterlife..."
Case 3:
Yang ※ ※, female, born in 1951, lives in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, China. In September 2008, Ms. Yang has symptoms such as slowness of movement and tremors in some parts of her body,she was diagnosed with primary PD by a large hospital in Xuzhou. Later, she went to several large hospitals and got exactly the same diagnosis conclusion after examination. So she found me. After nearly a year of treatment, she was gradually cured, and then she has been safe for more than a decade, live a happy life. Today, I specially asked Ms. Yang’s daughter to send me a recent photo of Ms. Yang and her husband for me to make public(Photos are posted at the back of this article)
When publishing this photo, I thought of one thing: ten years ago, the Forestry Department of Shaanxi Province of China announced the photo of South China tiger taken by hunter Zhou Zhenglong. Later, Zhou Zhenglong’s photo was recognized by relevant national departments and appeared on national TV programs. Even the authoritative American magazine science also published this photo, which became famous for a while. Later, a peasant woman in Sichuan province, China, was watching TV when she accidentally found that Zhou Zhenglong’s tiger photo was exactly the same as an old picture on the wall of her home, so she called the relevant departments to report, which led to Zhou Zhenglong falling into the legal net. Therefore, I would like to say that if anyone thinks that the photo I released today is similar to Zhou Zhenglong’s tiger photo in those years, he should call the report phone as soon as possible! I’m waiting for you to report! However, I would like to say that Ms. Yang’s PD was diagnosed by experts in a large hospital. I cured her disease. I have evidence and am not afraid to report me!
I would also to say that I cured Ms. Yang’s PD and I let her spend only a few thousand yuan in total. I think that to let the patient spend as little as possible to achieve satisfactory curative effect and use own skills to help patients eliminate the pain of the disease and embark on the road of happiness it’s the doctor’s bounden duty.
Case 4:
Chen ※ ※ , male, born in 1968, lives in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, China, and is a grassroots cadre. In 2013, his left limb was stiff. Later, the right limb was also stiff. It was preliminarily diagnosed as primary PD by a local municipal hospital. In July 2015, he was diagnosed with primary PD by experts from China Air Force General Hospital and Beijing Xuanwu Hospital.
In November 2015, Mr.Chen was escorted to my residence by several relatives for medical treatment due to the sharp aggravation of his illness. After arriving, his brother-in-law pulled me aside and whisperly told me: the patient has been stiff recently, his condition is quite serious, and sometimes he wants to commit suicide, several of our relatives carried him into the car and brought him here today.
I carefully examined for Mr. Chen and felt that his PD was indeed serious. However, when I learned that he had not used large doses of dopamine drugs and dopamine receptor agonists and had not developed drug dependence on these drugs, I knew that my symptomatic feedback type acupuncture treatment should be useful in him and decided to treat him immediately.
I first wrote two words on a piece of paper and asked everyone present to take a look at these two words (creating a little mysterious atmosphere), then I took a sterilized needle from my acupuncture bag and stabbed it into a specific part of Mr. Chen’s body. About ten minutes later, he suddenly felt the disappearance of symptoms, his rigid body gradually loosened, and then he felt comfortable again. He stood up unexpectedly and said, "Oh, much better! I feel much better!" So I took a blue ball out of my room and said to Mr.Chen, " Will we go and play?"When Mr.Chen took the ball and followed me towards the court, his relatives gaze at each other in speechless, they suspected that they were dreaming. Their expressions changed from anxiety at first arrival to astonishment. They closely followed us. When they saw Mr. Chen as active as a tiger on the court, the surprised expressions of these relatives disappeared and smiled one by one.
That night, they specially invited me and my family to the hotel for dinner. Mr. Chen talked and laughed at the banquet. Everyone toasted each other and drank one cup after another. The next day, Mr. Chen’s relatives went home happily. I asked Mr. Chen to stay at my house for a week. During this period, he insisted on exercise treatment according to my requirements, and everything was normal.
Mr. Chen is sincere and talented. After he came home, I lost contact with him because I was busy with some affairs. Later, someone told me that Mr. Chen went to Beijing and for some time he sought medical treatment for the recurrence of PD. During in the treatment of the use of some drugs caused serious adverse reactions,which made me sad and regretted that I didn’t care enough about him.
Today, I want to quietly tell people that my symptomatic feedback type acupuncture treatment for some severe PD patients Is so effective, the reason is that in my doctor career before receiving PD, I once received hysterical paralysis patients. I have my treatment know-how for this disease, now I use this trick to treat some Parkinson’s patients who are showing signs of paralysis, which is sometimes very effective, this gives me a considerable clear understanding of the cause of PD.
I remember on July 28, 2018, on the PD website "PD", someone wrote a post "Look at how to stop shaking in 30 minutes", which wrote:
"Yesterday, the teacher met an old monk in his 70s who had PD for more than 10 years and had been taking western medicine. His back was hunched and he was in a wheelchair. His hands and feet were shaking. Two disciples took care of the old monk’s daily life for a long time.
The teacher used four moves to make his hands and feet no longer shake. How did he do it?
The first move was to press the big toe. The old monk screamed in pain and said he couldn’t be so fierce. But after pressing, he can stand up by himself without being helped. He trembled and said he would ride a bicycle. The disciple went up to help, and the old monk said he would climb up by himself. He did it.
He began to ride a bicycle with a bent back. In the process of riding, the teacher used the second move to ask the old monk to raise his hands and straighten his back. When he rode, the disciple suddenly found that the master’s back was not so bent, but straightened.
The old monk rode hard for a while and was a little tired. He insisted not to help but to get off by himself. The disciples were surprised.
When the old monk returned to the wheelchair, the teacher made a third move: let the old monk step on the wheelchair pedal with his heel. After stepping on it, his left foot won’t shake.
Fourth move: high five. Clap hands with the old monk and let him move to his wrists and shoulders. His neck turns more flexibly.
The old monk was tired from the activity. The teacher asked the disciples to put the wheelchair in a flat state with their head slightly lower. Everyone watched the old monk sleep deeply. Not only his left foot, but also his right foot and hands stopped shaking. “
Some people think this post is false and call for it to be deleted, but I believe it is true, because when treating PD, I have had magical experiences similar to this story many times, sometimes even more magical than this story. For example, my symptomatic feedback type acupuncture treatment once allowed a semi-paralyzed with PD to regain daily Self-care ability overnight, and the next morning, the man actually forgot his patient identity, with a smile on his face, went out for a run.
based on my these years accumulated experience,when Parkinson’s patients show signs of paralysis,if treated promptly with symptomatic feedback type treatment,miracles may occur.
Some people may say that you have this specialty then who has PD, just find you for treatment.
My answer is: if there are only dozens or hundreds of PD patients in the world, I can consider doing so. However, relevant data show that there are about one million new PD patients in the world every year. Therefore, I think only by making the treatment of PD in the world go on the right path can we save PD patients.
In addition, I would also like to tell people: one thing that makes me feel embarrassed in the treatment of PD is that most of the Parkinson’s patients who seek medical treatment from me have serious side effects and serious drug dependence due to long-term and high-dose use of dopamine drugs or dopamine receptor agonists. I can’t make them stop using these drugs. My drugs are not ideal for the treatment of such patients, My symptomatic feedback type treatment is not suitable for the treatment of such patients. Fortunately, I met some PD patients who have not used dopamine drugs or dopamine receptor agonists, and some PD patients who only use dopamine drugs or dopamine receptor agonists in small doses without serious drug dependence. I treated them seriously with my symptomatic feedback type treatment, Some people’s conditions have undergone benign changes (for this type of PD, my symptomatic feedback type treatment is relatively effective).
Case 5:
Wu ※, male, born in 1982, is an engineer with a doctor’s degree. He lives in Shanghai. His main symptoms are stiffness, it first appeared in his left leg and gradually spread to his right leg. His back was bent, his upper body leaned forward, and when he walked, his left and right hands could not swing naturally.In 2003, he was diagnosed as young PD by neurologists of Anhui University of traditional Chinese Medicine. Later, he has seen neurologists of Shanghai Changzheng Hospital, Ruijin Hospital and Huashan Hospital.
He once took herbal medicine sent by a friend in Guangdong, China, combined with dopamine tablets, and it worked. Later, he didn’t take this medicine because he lost contact. He has taken my herbal medicine since January 2016. Considering that Mr. Wu has only used a small amount of dopamine drugs before and has not developed drug dependence, I ask him to adopt non dopamine treatment instead of dopamine drugs or dopamine receptor agonists in treatment in the future. He promised to do it.
From September to October 2016, Mr. Wu came by appointment to my residence for face-to-face treatment for PD due illness worsened because he was too tired at work. The treatment lasted 19 days, I used the symptomatic feedback type theatment according to his condition. He cooperated very seriously, and the effect was quite obvious. When we first met, he walked badly, limping and walking slowly. After this treatment, his walking returned to normal and he could run fast. His changes made him and me delighted to see that this treatment was quite effective for him. So I told him that if you can prolong the treatment time here, you may get very satisfactory results. However, he told me that he is busy with his career. If he delays too much time for treatment, the career consequences will be quite serious, So we agreed that once his condition recurs, he would come to me to receive this symptomatic feedback type theatment.
He said he was busy with his career, and later, I found out he was really busy. After he returned to Shanghai, his illness has relapsed because he worked hard with day and night. He came here to implement the symptomatic feedback type theatment for several days. After entering the door, while receiving my acupuncture, he took out his mobile phone to deal with various emergencies through one phone after another, and he also drew mechanical drawings on his laptop and sent them out one by one through the Internet. It’s like a chief of staff in his own way, commanding the many troops on the battlefield.
That’s so, since 2016, I have been using my symptomatic feedback type theatment to protect Mr.Wu and Mr.Wu is really a successful person. In recent years, he quit his former job and set up an auto parts company with two friends ambitiously. The business is very good. In addition, his family life is now happy. Mr.Wu’s wife had a second child in 2020, and the family lives an enviable life.
I think Mr. Wu’s victory is the result of Mr. Wu’s tenacity and hard work, and there is also my contribution.
Case 6 :
Hu ※ ※, male, born in 1968, lives in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, China, Is an official of a state-owned enterprise(he has retired to the second line). In March 2012, Mr. Hu appeared trembles with his right hand, drags his right foot while walking, turning slowly. He was diagnosed with primary PD in the Department of Neurology of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University. In April 2014, he was diagnosed with primary PD again in the Department of Neurology of Beijing Tiantan Hospital. The doctor prescribed Pramipexole Dihydrochloride tablets and Amantadine Hydrochloride tablets. Since April 2017, his condition has gradually worsened. He has successively used Levodopa and Benserazide Hydrochloride tablets, PiribedilSustained-release tablets and other western drugs, which have certain effects, but his condition continues to worsen. In October 2020, Mr. Hu was convoyed by his family to my residence for face-to-face treatment due to the sharp aggravation of his condition.
After meeting, I checked his blood pressure, heart rate, respiration and weight, which were normal. Nervous system examination: Clear mind, equal size of both pupils, normal light response. The muscle tension is enhanced like a lead tube, the body is stiff, and small tremors can be seen when the upper limbs are flat on the bed.
Patient’s self statement: 1. I have a history of smoking and quit smoking before I got PD; I used to like drinking and seldom drank after getting sick. 2. No history of poisoning; I had nephritis when I was a child and hepatitis B when I grew up. All of them were cured. 3. In terms of excluded diagnosis of PD, after the occurrence of Parkinson’s symptoms, I did various examinations such as brain CT, nuclear magnetic resonance and ultrasound in a local municipal hospital, as well as laboratory tests. Finally, I was diagnosed with primary PD.
I found that Mr. Hu’s biggest problem was a serious imbalance of balance function. When he stood or moved, his body shook and his head rushed forward when walking. He needed help, otherwise he had to lie in bed. I think this symptom is a sign of paralysis. For this, I formulated a symptomatic feedback drug treatment plan for him. After half a month of treatment, there was no obvious effect, so I made a new treatment plan (I call it the second treatment plan), took my symptomatic feedback acupuncture treatment as the key weapon to solve the problem. I stabbed hundreds of needles on his back intermittently in two months, and finally saw the effect. His balance disorder symptoms gradually disappeared, he could stand and walk safely, and his physical stiffness symptoms also improved significantly.
The disadvantage of this acupuncture treatment is that it will leave permanent scars on the acupuncture site. People might be shocked to see the scars on his back from this acupuncture.But I want to say, first, I implemented this acupuncture treatment for him only when I was absolutely sure of the safety. Second, although these scars will accompany him all his life, it obviously helped him get rid of the risk of paralysis. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
After Mr. Hu’s imbalance symptoms disappeared, I formulated a third set of treatment plan for him -- a treatment plan dominated by exercise treatment and supplemente d by drug treatment. Since there was no need for acupuncture in this scheme, I let him go home for treatment. After he came home, he carried out treatment according to the treatment plan I formulated for him, and has been living a relatively stable life so far.
Case 7:
Jiang ※ ※, male, born in 1955, retired worker, lives in Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China. In 2017, it developed from the stiffness of the right fingers to the stiffness of the cervical spine and spine, and then the stiffness of the whole body. It was diagnosed as primary PD in a local municipal hospital, After treatment with dopamine tablets, the effect was quite obvious. After that, it took dopamine tablets for a long time, gradually became very dependent on dopamine tablets , and could not move without taking drugs. Due to the rapid development of the disease, since the second half of 2021, he has gradually been unable to take care of himself. From weakness in his limbs and difficulty in movement, he needs help to turn over at night. From dressing to toileting, he needs to be cared for, and he is in a state of semi-paralysis. In August 2021, Mr. Jiang’s family escorted him to my place for face-to-face treatment
After meeting, I checked his temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, respiration and weight, which were normal. Nervous system examination: The voice is low and not clear enough, the double pupils are equally large, and the response to light is normal; As if wearing a masked face . Muscle tension increased like lead tube, limbs stiffness; The neck muscles contract spasmodically, the head tilts to the right, the right shoulder droops, and the vertebral column deviates from the midline of the body and bends laterally, forming a spinal deformity with radian, and expression was pessimistic.
Patient readme: 1. I usually don’t smoke and seldom drink. No history of poisoning. 2. I suffered from diabetes more than 20 years ago. Since then, I have been sticking to medication and controlling it. I think my PD can not be caused by diabetes. 3. In terms of the excluded diagnosis of PD, after the occurrence of Parkinson’s symptoms, I was admitted to a local municipal hospital and underwent various examinations such as brain CT, nuclear magnetic resonance and ultrasound, as well as laboratory tests. Finally, I was diagnosed with primary PD. 4. After suffering from PD, I use a small dose of dopamine tablets(usually a total of 2 tablets per day). I heard that western drugs such as dopamine tablets used to control Parkinson’s symptoms have huge side effects, so I have a strong vigilance against this drug and dare not increase the dose at will.
I found that Mr. Jiang’s biggest problem was that he was in a semi paralyzed state requiring human care. Therefore, I developed a treatment plan for him using my symptomatic feedback type acupuncture as a key problem-solving weapon. After implementation, it soon took effect. I remember the day after he arrived. In order to take care of him conveniently, I slept at the door of his bedroom at night. At more than 12 o’clock at night, I heard him quietly get up from the bed and go to the toilet like a cat, I immediately realized that my acupuncture treatment had taken effect on him. I was so happy. Then I dreamed in my sleep that his previous life was indeed a cat!
After his condition improved to a certain extent, I worked out a second set of treatment plan for him - the double combination treatment of drug treatment and exercise treatment. After several months of efforts, both doctors and patients were pleasantly surprised to find that this treatment was quite effective for Mr. Jiang’s PD. He really got better day by day. At present, the dosage of drugs used by Mr. Jiang is gradually decreasing, but his condition is surprisingly getting better.
There’s also a happy thing is that Mr. Jiang’s body has grown about ten centimeters in recent months. Originally, when his PD was serious, his neck muscles contracted spasmodically and his body twisted, now, with the improvement of his condition, his body is more upright, so he is a little taller.
Mr. Jiang told me that In 2021, during his period of semi paralysis, his family took turns to take care of him. Later they specially invited nursing workers to take care of him. The nursing fee is thousands of yuan a month. The caregiver feels very hardships. He himself feels very painful mentally. Now he can move freely without anyone’s care. He has a sense of happiness.