帕金森病 Parkinson's disease
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章华:回复149楼 undefi  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-11-18 [回复151楼]

  回复149楼 undefi
  回复149楼 undefi:回复147楼 章华

章华:回复150楼 薛传恽  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-11-18 [回复152楼]

  回复150楼 薛传恽
  回复150楼 薛传恽:回复148楼 章华
  这几天就应祈福医院邀请前往佛山参加一个医学会议(现在还在回程),席间和彭磷基先生深入探讨过在祈福医院二期病房楼(32层共2200张床位)中设立脑神经专科(包括帕金森症)病房的可行性,原因是祈福医院有其他内地所没有的三大疗法,一是三氧疗法,也就是我以前提过的臭氧疗法(Ozone therapy),二是螯合疗法(Chelation therapy),三是大剂量抗坏血酸(Vit C)静注疗法。
  Ozone therapy是欧洲和俄罗斯推祟的疗法,而Chelation therapy是美国高级医学研究院(ACAM)推崇的疗法,而大剂量Vit C静注疗法更是二届诺贝尔奖得主Pauling鲍林的研究。
  而祈福医院利用这几种非常的疗法,还有热疗(Hyperthermia)来治疗各种目前传统医学无法解决的病症, 包括肿瘤、湿疹、难治性疮面与痿管,等等,己经取得了相当好的成绩。我也希望这几种疗法以后可以用于帕金森症的方面,因为目前的药物治疗特别是西药限制和副作用太大。
  我为什么要讲以上的问题,是要使薛老明白,传统医学特别是西医不是医学的全部,西药也不是治病的全部,有可能以前的一段时间里我讲了用长春西汀(长春西汀在国内是西药)、酪氨酸、还原型谷胱甘肽(国内最近己有西药阿拓莫兰而唑尼沙胺更是日本卫生部核准的帕症用药)来治疗疾病,但这些药物并不是传统的帕症用药,而Ozone therapy、Chelation therapy、大量Vit C静注及Hyperthermia薛老更是陌生,也可能会引起担心这些是否从病人的利益出发来作一个推荐,但我想这是毫无疑问的。
  至于香港官员的问题,都是政客,No Comment。

薛传恽:回复152楼 章华  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-11-19 [回复153楼]

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  回复152楼 章华:回复150楼 薛传恽

章华:回复153楼 薛传恽  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-11-19 [回复154楼]

  回复153楼 薛传恽
  回复153楼 薛传恽:回复152楼 章华

东方:请教章医生  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-11-19 [回复155楼]


薛传恽:回复154楼 章华  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-11-20 [回复156楼]

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  回复154楼 章华:回复153楼 薛传恽
  VK2和CoQ10是营养补充剂,不是合成药物。但FDA也给出规范。不是它们得不到FDA 批准。它只要做到符合FDA的要求就可以出售。
  营养补充剂的文章我也经常看。但总觉得其科学性比和临床试验报告无法比。前者往往是suggestive 而后者则是conclusive的。(我不会准确翻译这两个词。后一词就是结论性的,前一词大概就是论述不是那麽严格确凿和肯定。最少也是没有临床试验。)

章华:回复156楼 薛传恽  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-11-20 [回复157楼]

  回复156楼 薛传恽
  回复156楼 薛传恽:回复154楼 章华
  我在五年前和现在的薛老一样,对FDA顶礼膜拜,但被一本书完全改变,作者是前纽约州众议员Daniel Haley,书名是Politics in Healing.建议薛老有时间看看。
  Politics in Healing: The Suppression and Manipulation of American Medicine
  by Daniel Haley
  Controversies that surround nontoxic therapies usually come to our attention on an individual basis. Their stories become the details of practitioners whose lives have been ruined and patients who have lost their treatment of choice. But getting lost in those details, is the larger pattern that has been repeating itself over and over again since medicine in this country was organized. This is the intrusion of politics and, ultimately, suppression of nontoxic therapies by powerful interests.
  Daniel Haley, an ex-legislator from the state of New York, questioned those controversies and as a politician, knew to look for the larger picture. Politics in Healing is his enlightening and well written book that examines the powers that are obstructing acceptance of alternatives to the toxic treatments supplied by the pharmaceutical companies.
  The author writes about the experiences of ten different men, starting with John Hoxsey’s discovery of a treatment for cancer in the 1800’s and takes us to the present discoveries and work of Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski. Also included are chapters about DMSO, 714-X, hydrazine sulfate, colostrums, electromedicine, Krebiozen, Rife technologies and glyoxylide. The author is not advocating or recommending therapies, but rather, telling the stories of the researchers ø sad and disturbing stories. These are men who made discoveries and developed treatments that gave positive results for people suffering terrible illnesses, only to be persecuted and harassed. In many instances, such as Dr. Koch’s glyoxylide and Royal Rife’s microscopes, their discoveries were lost forever.
  Throughout these stories the pattern becomes evident. First of all, a discovery is made for a nontoxic treatment that shows good results in patients. Soon the treatment and its success gains the attention of the medical field and it is not long after that attempts are made to secure ownership of the treatment through a variety of business arrangements. When the researcher does not participate in the desired business arrangement, he and his treatment will be publicly denigrated by a member of the medical profession. Harassment of the researcher begins and escalates to incredible lengths. The methods of harassment detailed in the book are revealing as they provide a broad view of the power structure of the medical establishment, or Official Medicine as the author calls it.
  For researches in the early 1900s, the editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association, Dr. Morris Fishbein, was often the first to declare public opposition to a new nontoxic therapy. His editorials denouncing a particular discovery and the researcher usually preceded involvement of the American Medical Association, local medical societies, state medical boards, state health departments and sometimes state legislatures. But even though Dr. Fishbein was eventually discredited in a libel suit brought against him by Harry Hoxsey, he was replaced by others who carried on his work as the Arbiter of American Medicine.
  A powerful rein on the development of nontoxic treatments for cancer is the National Cancer Institute. As the author shows, they have conducted tests of nontoxic treatments in ways that would appear they were seeking a desired results ø that being failure of the product. Ignored by the NCI was the fact that they were dealing with the lives of real human beings, many of whom died when their trials were conducted in opposition to the researcher’s instructions. One of these was Dr. Burzynski’s antineoplaston which they diluted so as to be ineffective in their trial, resulting in the deaths of all participants. Even so, the NCI, thinking that the doctor had forgotten to patent one of the antineoplastons, obtained the patent on his product for themselves.
  Far and away though, the heaviest hand of authority over researchers is the Food and Drug Administration. Founded in 1906 to make sure foods were pure and drugs were safe, it has expanded its mission to include protection of the pharmaceutical companies. A 1982 quote from the then Director of FDAs Bureau of Drugs summed it up when he said, "I never have and never will approve a new drug to an individual, but only to a large pharmaceutical company with unlimited finances. Former FDA Commissioner Herbert Ley complained of merciless pressure" from the pharmaceutical companies. An with about 65% of FDA employees going to work for pharmaceutical companies upon their retirement, it appears the FDA is listening. According to Haley’s examples, their history includes a variety of methods for keeping unwelcome nontoxic treatments off the market. And for those that have made it to market, such as supplements, they have opened an entire new arena of control ø censorship of speech regarding the products.
  It would be one thing if the power exercised by all the bureaucracies was a resounding success for the people who are paying for it through taxes and medical bills, but that is just not the case. One chapter is dedicated to giving us a picture of the current status of our health care system. The author notes that the fourth leading cause of death in the US is from reactions to FDA-approved drugs and the fourth leading cause of hospital admissions is from reactions to prescription drugs. And when the World Health Organization calculated healthy life expectancy", the US ranked twentieth. For this we pay more per capita for health care than any other country.
  The solutions Haley recommends make sense and deserve consideration. He wants a freer marketplace through limiting the role of the FDA and freedom from unwarranted discipline for doctors willing to try other than the dangerous and toxic therapies. He also offers a discussion of the Access to Medical Treatment Act and other avenues for citizens to take action.
  On the one hand, this book is a personal and touching account of some very courageous researchers. For the sin of finding nontoxic therapies that truly helped people, they suffered some of the worst harassment imaginable ø at the hands of some of our most educated and privileged citizens. The shame of it reeks from the pages. On the other hand Haley has been able to give us the big picture of our failing health system ø another shame for the wealthiest nation on the planet. Ultimately this is an economic/political story that may best be told by a politician, and for that, Daniel Haley has done us a great service.

章华:回复155楼 东方  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-11-20 [回复158楼]

  回复155楼 东方
  回复155楼 东方:请教章医生

小鱼2005:美多芭会引起血小板低吗  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-11-20 [回复159楼]


颜芳:回复151楼 章华  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-11-20 [回复160楼]

  回复151楼 章华
  多谢章医生的指点和帮助,更加感谢你时时都为我们病人及家属着想,连从内地打电话到香港很贵,这些细节都想到了,你和薛老先生一样,时时刻刻都在真心帮助我们,让我们病人以及家属真的很感动,现在我对我姐姐用药的原则 - 加,减药都比较清楚一些了,再次代表我姐姐表示我们大家对你感谢。希望我们大家能向你们学习,互相帮助,每人都时刻心存一份感恩的心

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